
I can’t believe that I am writing the last blog post for this course. This course was something very different from the other courses that I have taken so far but honestly speaking I kind of liked the whole contract grading system as it gave us the freedom to choose the grades that we want and analyse the whole course structure in our own opinions and beliefs without being judged about it.

To be honest, I had taken this course to fulfil my literature requirement but now that we are near the end, I feel like it was a really fun and engaging course as I got to read so many different genres of books depicting so many different themes. Each book had its own charm. Though there were times when I didn’t like some book or liked some more than the others. The flexibility of choosing the number and type of books that we want to read and going to class on the days when it was discussed was something that I found really interesting as it made the course feel a lot easier because reading a whole novel every week can sometimes get tough.

I believe to succeed in this course, one had to be self-disciplined and true to oneself. Not only did this course teach me about the themes of love, memory, death, writing, life, poverty, gender and modernity but also taught me about perseverance and determination in real life as I learnt that we need to be focused if we set our minds to achieve something. At the beginning, I was also a little nervous and scared as the course looks easy but actually it has the same amount of course load as any other course but as we progressed into the semester, I got used to the pattern of writing a blog post of 400-500 words every Tuesday, commenting on other people’s post and watching the lecture videos and then now that I think about it, I won’t be doing all this anymore which sounds a bit crazy and hard to register. But it’s all good as every new beginning has an end!

There were conservation videos also in this course which were really thoughtful and insightful as we could learn about the books in a way in which we hadn’t thought about from some other person’s perspective. Overall, the course was something very different yet similar. I do feel a bit nostalgic writing this last blog post as it feels like the semester went by really fast and it was just yesterday that we were writing our Introductory blog posts for this course. Well, as they say ‘all good things come to an end.’

Discussion Question

What did you learn from this course and how did you adapt to the concept of contract grading in this course?


3 responses to “Conclusion”

  1. Hey,

    The contract grading was a new concept for me, it was weird at first. But then I realized I pick what grade I wanted and just did what the requirements were. I found that pretty cool


  2. Jerry, thanks for sharing with us the things that worked best for you and your feelings about the contract we always appreciate the feedback!  



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